Police Facility Addition Bond Proposal


At the November 8th, 2022, State General Election, voters will be asked to consider a Bond Proposal to fund the construction of an addition to Fire Station #1 to house the Police Division of the Monroe Public Safety Department.

In order to meet the current space, technological, and operational efficiency needs ofNovember 8th Bond Proposal Logo the City of Monroe Police Division, a new Police Division Facility Addition has been planned, designed, and with voter approval, would be constructed to accommodate how the department will operate and function in the 21st century.  A new building will provide an advanced work environment for police officers, allowing for enhanced capabilities, modern crime scene evidence processing, officer wellness resources, enhanced training facilities, and efficiency of shared resources in a dual purpose facility.

Support for this bond is an investment in the future of our community by providing a modern, updated facility for the police division, designed for essential cohesion with the fire station at 911 East Third Street, that will benefit residents and customers alike.

To read more about the Police Division Bond Proposal, please see the below links.